for an expedition against the Shawnee, Mingos, Ottawas and Delawares led by Chief Cornstalk. After a grueling march of 160 miles, the Virginia militiamen defeated the Indians at the Battle of Point Pleasant on the Ohio River. This greatly reduced the threat of indian raids in the Greenbrier River Valley.
Although they outnumbered and outranked the Union troops, the Confederate Army was defeated in a brief, little remembered, but deadly battle.
best remembered as the man who captured Apache Chief Geronimo.
Col. George S. Patton,
grandfather of World War Two's famous General Patton.
Today, the hall serves as home to art and dance studios, a small museum , meeting rooms, and much well as the Chamber of Commerce and the Visitors Center.
Come on....let's go get some maps and brochures for our visit.
And here is a picture of the graves. You can't really tell from this, but the graves are in the form of a cross.
I can't tell you the feeling I had while standing there looking at this mound shaped like a cross. It was almost like standing on hallowed ground. To think what these men, and the others, must have gone through.....It really gives you an appreciation for what we have.
We could spend a whole lot more time here, but I think we'd better be movin' on. There's just one more thing we have to do first. And that's go SHOPPING!!
Now I know that there are some wonderful shops here in Lewisburg, but I've got someplace else I want you to see. To do that, we're going to head for....